2024 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing, Big Data Application and Software Engineering (CBASE 2024)

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission Date

Registration Deadline

Final Paper Submission Date

October 18,  2024

October 18, 2024

October 31, 2024

Welcome to CBASE 2024

2024 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing, Big Data Application and Software Engineering will be held from October 18-20, 2024 in Hangzhou, China.

2024 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing, Big Data Application and Software Engineering( CBASE 2024)  is a leading conference for all researchers from different countries and territories to present their research results aboutCloud Computing, Big Data Application and Software Engineering.


Call for Papers

hot.gif The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Cloud Computing

Cloud Solution Design Patterns

Cloud Application

Cloud Optimization and Automation

Cloud Application Architectures

Cloud Application Scalability and Availability

Cloud Applications Performance and Monitoring

Cloud computing and semantic web technologies

Cloud Computing Architecture and Systems

Cloud Computing Models, Simulations, Designs, and Paradigms

Cloud Computing Technologies, Services and Applications

Cloud and grid computing for big data

Cloud Economics Cloud for Enterprise Business Transformation

Cloud Management and Operations

Cloud Middleware Frameworks

Cloud Optimization and Automation

Cloud Quality and Performance

Cloud Resource

Smart Computing Distributed, and Peer-to-peer Search

Parallel, and Distributed Computing

Big Data Application

Algorithms and Programming Techniques for Big Data Processing

Algorithms and Systems for Big Data Search

Big Data Analysis in Mobile and Pervasive Computing

Big Data Analysis Search and Mining

Big Data Service

Big Data Encryption

Big Data Open Platforms

Big Data Quality and Provenance Control

Big Data Toolkits

Data mining, graph mining and data science

Foundational Models for Big Data

Architecture of Big Data 

Big Data Management 

Big Data Analysis and Processing

Security and Privacy of Big Data 

Big Data in Smart Cities  

Search,  Mining and Visualization of Big Data

Technologies,  Services and Application of Big Data  

Big data analytics and socialmedia

Big data applications: Bioinformatics

Scientific Applications of Big Data

Security and privacy for big data

Techniques, models and algorithms for big data

Tools and systems for big data

Visualization Analytics for Big Data

Hardware/software infrastructure for big data

Intelligent Data Processing

Machine learning and AI for big data

Software Engineering

Embedded Systems

End user software engineering

Engineering of distributed/parallel SW systems

Engineering of embedded and real-time software

Engineering secure software

Human-Computer Interaction

Internet and information systems development

Office Suites

Operating Systems

Program comprehension and visualization

Programming Language

Reengineering, Reverse Engineering

Reliability Modeling and Analysis

Requirements Engineering

Reverse engineering and maintenance

Safety and Security Critical Software

Software Agent Technology

Software architecture and design

Software components and reuse

Software dependability, safety and reliability

Software Development Tools

Software Process Models

Software processes and workflows

Software Reuse and Metrics

Software testing and analysis

Software tools and development environments

SW Configuration management and deployment

System Platforms

Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics

Web Engineering

Web-Based Applications


All accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be submitted to EI Compendex / Scopus  for indexing.


Zhejiang Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower

Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

Zhejiang University of Technology

Sponsor                                                                                         Supporter


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Conference Info.



All the attendees must register in advance in order to participate in conference.

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Please submit your full paper/abstract to us via the Electronic Submission System.

See More



All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers.

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Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to ...

See More


Registration Details

1. Registration fees include conference proceedings, lunches, souvenirs and attending all technical sessions.

2. The registration fee does not include:

• Accommodation

• Visa application fee

• Transportation fare

3. At least one author for each accepted final paper must pre-register.

4. Completed registrations will be acknowledgedby the Organizing Committee within 2-5 workdays after receiving your payment.

5. If you cannot attend the conference due to some reasons, we will post the print proceedings to you together with the payment receipt/Fapiao.

Registration Fee



Regular Registration for Paper (4 pages)

550 USD / 3800 CNY paper

Extra Pages (Begin at Page 5)

60 USD / 400 CNY extra page

Attendees without a Submission

230 USD / 1500 CNY person

Presentation without a Submission 

280 USD / 1800 CNY person

Purchase Extra Proceedings/Journal copies

75 USD / 500 CNY book





(Oct. 18, 2024) 13:00-17:00


(Oct. 19,2024) 09:00-12:00

Speeches of Keynote Speakers




Oral Presentations



(Oct. 20, 2024) 09:00-18:00

Academic Discussion